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Anti-harrasment and anti-bullying Policy

By Mpls Lacrosse Board, 10/13/16, 4:00PM CDT


Mpls Youth Lacrosse Code of Conduct


Each child shares a fundamental human dignity. Minneapolis Lacrosse provides an environment dedicated to protecting and fostering the development of that dignity. All members of the lacrosse community deserve care and respect.  Bullying and retaliation are not to be tolerated.

The purpose of this policy is to assist Minneapolis Lacrosse in its goals of preventing and responding to acts of bullying, intimidation, violence and other similar disruptive behaviors, and to serve as a guide for when expectations of respect are not met. The policy also applies to any player whose conduct, at any time or in any place, constitutes bullying that interferes with or obstructs the mission or operations of Minneapolis Lacrosse or the safety of the player, other players or coaches, opponents or administrators.

Core Principles & Summary of the Policy

All members, including parents, guardians, volunteers and players in Minneapolis Lacrosse should treat others in a positive and respectful way and speak in a positive, respectful manner about our Minneapolis Lacrosse community. Critical, negative and slanderous statements verbally communicated, distributed via email, posted on social media sites (Facebook, etc), blogs or other “forums,” by members of Minneapolis Lacrosse (players, parents, family members, coaches, administrators, etc.) will not be tolerated. Parents, players, and other spectators invited by parents, must refrain from making critical statements regarding the skills, playing ability or performance of any youth lacrosse player. 

Positive reinforcement and encouragement to players is always welcome. All participants are reminded to use good judgment and etiquette when at games and tournaments, as we all represent the reputation of Minneapolis Lacrosse.  Statements (verbal or written) or actions interpreted by the Minneapolis Lacrosse leadership board as being detrimental toward anyone involved in Minneapolis Lacrosse, our opponents, referees or anyone else involved in youth lacrosse will be grounds for restrictions, suspension and/or dismissal from Minneapolis Lacrosse.

All Minneapolis Lacrosse participants are required to be a member in good standing with US Lacrosse. Therefore, all US Lacrosse behavioral policies, requirements and rules also apply to Minneapolis Lacrosse participants.  Everyone is encouraged to refer to the US Lacrosse “CHILL” and “ROOT” principles and try to incorporate the sprit of good sportsmanship always.


For purposes of this Policy, the following definitions shall apply:

“Aggressor” means a player, parent, guardian, or staff member who engages in Bullying or Retaliation.

“Bullying” is the repeated use by one or more player, parents, staff member or a combination thereof, of a written, verbal, or electronic expression, or a physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof, that is objectively offensive, is directed at a Target, and that:

  • causes physical harm or emotional harm that results in clearly identifiable physical symptoms;
  • to the Target or places the Target in reasonable fear of such harm;
  • causes damage to the Target’s property;
  • places the Target in reasonable fear of harm to him/herself, or of damage to his/her property;
  • creates a Hostile Environment at practice, games or other area where lacrosse players congregate for the Target;
  • infringes on the rights of the Target on the field, including defamation and invasion of privacy; or
  • materially and substantially disrupts the learning/training process or the orderly operation of Minneapolis Lacrosse.

For the purpose of this Policy, whenever the term "bullying" is used it is to denote Bullying, Cyber-Bullying, or Harassment.

“Cyber-Bullying” means bullying through the use of technology or any electronic communication, which shall include, but shall not be limited to, any transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, data or intelligence of any nature, including a post on a social network, Internet Web site or forum, transmitted through a computer, cell phone, or other electronic device.

“Hostile Environment” means a situation in which bullying causes the playing environment to be permeated with intimidation, ridicule or insult that is sufficiently severe or pervasive to materially and substantially alter the conditions of the player’s experience.

“Retaliation” means any form of intimidation, reprisal, or harassment directed against any person who reports Bullying, provides information during an investigation of Bullying, or witnesses or has reliable information about bullying.

“Minneapolis Lacrosse property” means property on which a field or facility is located or property that is owned, leased or used by Minneapolis Lacrosse for an association-sponsored activity, function, program, instruction or training.

“Staff” includes, but is not limited to, coaches, administrators, referees, opposing coaches, EMTs, advisors and support staff.

“Target” is a player against whom bullying or retaliation has been perpetrated.

Prohibition Against Bullying and Retaliation

Minneapolis Lacrosse expressly prohibits bullying in all forms, either by an individual or group of aggressors.

Bullying, including cyber-bullying, is prohibited:

  • On any grounds where Minneapolis Lacrosse has rented or purchase space;
  • At any Minneapolis Lacrosse-sponsored or Minneapolis Lacrosse-related activity, function, tournament, game, or program;
  • On a bus or vehicle transporting/to from Minneapolis Lacrosse sponsored events; or,
  • Through the use of technology or an electronic device owned, leased or used by any Minneapolis Lacrosse player or parent;


Any coach or volunteer who has witnessed or become aware of any instance of bullying or retaliation must report that act to an age-level coordinator or officer of the Minneapolis Lacrosse Board of Directors.

Any player or parent/guardian of a player are strongly encouraged to report all acts of bullying.  Reports can be made to the player’s coach or Level Coordinator (LC), who must then report it to the Director of Lacrosse, or directly to the Minneapolis Lacrosse Board of Directors.

Reports may be made confidentially when requested. Reports may also be made anonymously. The anonymous nature of the report may make it difficult to investigate or corroborate the alleged bullying. No disciplinary action may be taken against a player solely on the basis of an anonymous report, without thorough investigation.

False accusations of bullying are also prohibited and may result in discipline in accordance with Minneapolis Lacrosse’s discipline policy.


Retaliation against a Target, witness of bullying, a person who makes a good faith reporting of Bullying, or who provides information during an investigation of bullying, is prohibited and further disciplinary action may be taken.

Response and Investigation Process

Minneapolis Lacrosse takes seriously all reports of bullying.

Upon receipt of a report of bullying, the Director of Lacrosse & appropriate Level Coordinator will conduct an investigation. The investigation is designed to understand all sides of the reported issue and generally will include: discussing the situation with all parties involved (players, coaches, parents, & other witnesses) to get a full understanding of all sides of the issue, an understanding of the circumstances involved, and absorbing any other relevant information.  When possible, the investigation should start within three calendar days of the report of bullying and will be completed in a thorough and respectful manner.

Minneapolis Lacrosse reserves the sole discretion to determine the scope and adequacy of the investigation.  Anyone with questions about the investigation should direct those questions to the Director of Lacrosse.

Violations & Disciplinary Actions

A player, parent, guardian, or coach who violates this policy or US Lacrosse behavioral policies, shall be subject to discipline in accordance with Minneapolis Lacrosse disciplinary policy.

The Minneapolis Lacrosse executive leadership board retains the sole discretion to determine whether harassment and/or bullying have occurred and what the response/correction should be.

Depending on the severity of the circumstances, the disciplinary steps & consequences for violation of this policy could include, but are not limited to: discussion amongst parties involved, warnings, coach-led discipline, in-game suspension, program suspension and/or, in the most extreme of violations, expulsion from participation in Minneapolis Lacrosse. 


This policy shall be provided to the coaches, volunteers and staff of Minneapolis Lacrosse and reviewed for necessary revisions at least every year. 

Publication and Notice

Minneapolis Lacrosse shall provide written or electronic notice of this Policy to all participants of the association and association volunteers.  Written or electronic notice of the Policy shall be provided to players and their parents or guardians as well as incorporated into the player registration process.

This Policy shall be available on Minneapolis Lacrosse website.  Anyone with general questions or concerns about harassment/bullying or the Minneapolis Lacrosse’s policy should address those questions or concerns to a Level Coordinator (LC) or a member of the Board of Directors.

This policy is hereby adopted, on this date of October 11, 2016, by a unanimous vote of the members of the Minneapolis Lacrosse Board of Directors.  An annual review of this policy will take place and the policy will be updated/amended as necessary.